EU Nobel peace prize
Europe's officials could scarcely believe their good fortune today. Unexpectedly, the EU was given the Nobel Peace Prize. The citation praised the EU for "over six decades" contributing to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe.Europe's leaders fell upon this rare piece of good news with an almost desperate embrace. If there is a core justification for the European project, it is to make war impossible again on the continent. That has been the EU's outstanding achievement. When under attack, Europe's leaders fall back upon 60 years of peace in Europe. It is no minor achievement.Secondly, after and just before the fall of the Berlin Wall, the EU acted as a beacon for democracy, for human rights and a civil society. Many Eastern European countries rejected communism because they had before them a clear example of an alternative. Young people wanted to be part of a normal European society. Eastern Europe today is testimony to the spread of democracy.It is also true that the existence of the EU enabled countries like Spain, Portugal and Greece to make the transition from dictatorship to democracy. Even today, in the midst of hardship and austerity, there is a deep attachment to belonging to Europe. That is the legacy of history.But the Nobel committee's decision will puzzle many. Despite the EU's successes, it failed in the Balkans. It lacked the will and determination to intervene and save lives. The massacre at Srebrenica happened in Europe's backyard.
My view:
The surreal nonsense of the failed Euro project continues.
This time Alfred Nobel's prize is being hijacked by the world improvers who are patting themselves on the back for being champions of democracy.
What they should call themselves are "champignons" of democracy.
I am certain that the Greeks, and soon the Spanish and Portuguese, would agree with my assessment of their Northern European bankers.
The harsh level of austerity imposed on these countries will lead their people to revolt against their political masters. What will be most telling is the response to the uprising. It is my view that a new form of totalitarian government is in the making to protect the failed Euro project.
Will the people succeed in overthrowing totalitarianism in a democracy by dumping the Euro currency?
Or will the leather boot of the Euro dictators manage to crush all opposition?
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