A Long, Dark, Blind Alley

This excerpt is from a Feb 13 interview with MIT professor and former IMF economist Simon Johnson. Watch the whole 20 minute interview here:

BILL MOYERS: So here's the trillion dollar question that I take from your blog, that I read at the beginning, quote, "Can this person," your new economic strategist, in this case Geithner, "really break with the vested elite that got you into this much trouble?" Have you seen any evidence this week that he's going to be tough with these guys?

SIMON JOHNSON: I'm trying to be positive. I'm trying to be supportive. I like the administration. I voted for the president. The answer to your question is, no, I haven't seen anything. But you know, perhaps next week I will. But right now, as we speak, I have a bad feeling in my stomach.
My intuition, from crises, from situations that have improved, the situations that got worse, my intuition is that this is going to get a lot worse. It's going to cost us a lot more money. And we are going down a long, dark, blind alley.

BILL MOYERS: Let's not leave our public in despair, here at end, Simon. I've read everything you wrote this week, and it comes down to this. We must break the power of the banks and their lobbies. How do we do that?

SIMON JOHNSON: This is a government-supervised bankruptcy process. It's called, in the terminology of the business, it's called an intervention. The bank is intervened. You don't go into Chapter 11 because in that's too messy. Too complicated. There's an intervention, you lose the right to operate as a bank. The FDIC takes you over. I think we agree, everyone agrees, we don't want the government to run banks in this country.

Commentary: What I find troubling about this entire Bailout is that it has brought to light just how far our society has progressed along a dual road of socialism and fascism. As we have become more dependant on government to "look after us" we have handed over much power to a power elite. A quote from Mussolini provides us a warning on the current direction of Western Democracies.

"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power." Benito Mussolini
